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Gil D'oliveira
2019-02-25 18:52:41

Another Season For RIGRAP

As our steelhead season ends I remove all the Rigrap yellow and orange from my steelhead vest and make sure they are dry and then store them back into the Rigrap storage case for the next season. Yesterday I visited one of our major angling stores and couldn’t believe how much the lures have increased in cost. So why not look after them. Often when I am a guest on my friend's boats, I see their tackle boxes loaded but unorganized. I see rust, bruised lures, with lots of tangles with used leaders still attached. Our trolling season soon approaches for salmon and I'm matching the lures to the various Rigrap storage lockers cases, the next step for the sport I love called fishing. I usually start my adventures with colours other anglers have had a positive result. If I don’t get results I start reselecting and replacing the lure until I get a positive hit. My buddies can’t believe how fast I can reselect and replace. Its all has to do with organization and easy selection. This is what RIGRAP is all about.
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