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Amy Nesbitt
2016-11-07 14:48:53

Seasons changing

I should be writing to you, but I'm a little intimidated. Writing to me, is like showing up to a tournament on a lake you've never heard of, with zero knowledge of the waters, competing against the areas best anglers. You're drowning and there's no one around to save you. I feel like I'm drowning, but I won't go down without a fight. Even if there may have been some procrastination before the fight commenced(not literally). This year has been a tough year. Not just as an angler, but as a person. I've been slapped in the face by reality a few times. I can literally say, this year was like having an excellent pre fish, going into day 1 being confident, and then being hit by a storm and having everything blow up in your face. That is putting it lightly. I've always been a fairly competitive person and angler, and this summer, I just did not have the passion to compete. I felt tired, and stressed. But, I did find myself wanting to get out more. Explore more. Live life for the day more. I did. I traveled out of my comfort zone(and cellular coverage zone, big deal if you know me personally), and fished areas I swore I never would. Guess what? it paid off. My passion for competitive fishing isn't gone, it has just shifted. Apparently I love camping, and road trips down bush roads where there is nothing. Not even a coffee maker. Gasp..... So I did just that. I packed my bags and drove across seven states in my little red Volkswagen beetle and I loved it. I slept in the drivers seat of my car in towns with names I couldn't pronounce. I watched the sun come up over a stream in the Wyoming rockies, to a sunset over wheat fields in Montana all in one day. I watched a buffalo graze a grass field, and an elk just lying in another. These may seem very simple, and I promise you they are, but when you're always on the go and working on your next big tournament, you lose yourself. This summer I learnt who I was, who I want to become and that life is absolutely beautiful when you slow down and enjoy everything around you. It also ignited the fire in me to get back out on the water before season ends. So as I write this, i'm half way done packing to go camping and fishing in beautiful Northern Ontario for three days.
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