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Sandy Ferry
2016-06-27 11:44:45

Multi-Species Day for Toronto Urban Fishing

Our Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassadors' "Learn to Fish" for under 18's was a rip roarin' success right in the middle of Centreville on Centre Island on June 25.. I will always write that Urban Angling is not easy, but it is highly under rated. Pack your gear on your back and you have access by foot, transit, etc to some of the best fishing grounds this country has to offer. Proper casting, fish handling and conservation were embraced by these kids and resulted in everyone catching Pike, Rock Bass, Largemouth Bass, and Bowfin. We know we'll see some of them back at our upcoming events during Canada's National Fishing week from July 2-10. They are hooked! This is our second season using the 400 Daiwa D-Shock 6 and 6.5 spinning combos that make up our tackle share. This is a great starter rod and so reasonably priced you may doubt it's quality. Trust me, we do so many events with hundreds of people each year and these rods take a licking and keep on (well, you know). Best bang for anyone's buck. Check us out at http://torontourbanfishing.com/ for our events, resources, where to fish, and brag wall. We share our spots! I love my life.
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